Past event: ‘Invest in Yourself’ Brunch
Introducing the first in a new series of events from the Women’s Investment Network
featuring female entrepreneurs from around the world – including our island home –
who will share their inspirational stories with us and showcase their journeys to success.
Our September event will feature the following speakers who will inspire us to invest in ourselves
in different ways, through our personal style, health & wellbeing and gemstone investing!
Jennifer Schneider
Personal Stylist & Founder of The Loved Object
Tayyaba Jordan
International Health Coach, Wellness with Me
Sophie Marquis
Gemstones & Fine Art Consultant
Saturday, 25th September from 11.00am until 1.00pm
The Old Government House Hotel & Spa
£50 per person including a sparkling reception & light buffet
(Limited seating available)
Charity Raffle
Win wonderful prizes in our raffle in aid of local charity Victim Support
To book your ticket, kindly transfer your payment by Revolut to Zoë Cousens on 07781 106602
or contact Zoë on for bank transfer details.
Please ensure your payment clearly shows your “NAME” & “BRUNCH”.
This event is kindly sponsored by POS – Inspired POSitivity
and The Asterix RAT by Fort Group, Saving For Your Future